
Online Gambling Addiction

Online Gambling is an activity where individuals place wagers on games of chance through internet-based platforms. This form of gambling has gained popularity in recent years due to a combination of factors, including cultural approval, legalization, accessibility, and celebrity endorsements. While some countries prohibit or limit online gambling, others encourage it for the potential to generate revenue and reduce crime. Regardless of the motive, gambling poses serious risks for both consumers and operators. It can result in significant financial losses from reckless betting, in-game and in-app purchases, and chasing losses. Additionally, it can lead to emotional and psychological issues.

While the majority of individuals who gamble do so responsibly, a small percentage exhibit signs and symptoms indicative of addiction. These may include neglecting personal responsibilities, lying to family and friends about the extent of their involvement in gambling, and exhibiting withdrawal symptoms when unable to access gambling sites. Individuals with online gambling addiction often develop denial and a desire to conceal their problem, which can lead to isolation.

While a person can become addicted to gambling independently, underlying mental health problems are often the root cause of the addiction. In fact, the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) includes disordered gambling as one of the first non-substance behaviors classified as an addiction. Individuals who suffer from this disorder must undergo treatment for recovery. In many cases, this is provided through therapy and support groups.